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Eionel mairtley, 


A Dictionary of Roman Names 

by Lionel D C Hartley 

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing 
for the purpose of private study, research, criticism 
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without the written permission of the publisher. 
Published in New Zealand by Stereo Publications, 

Copyright in all countries ©1976 

Copyright Renewed (Facimile Edition) ©2018 Lionel Hartley 


Accius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; esp. of L. Accius , tragic poet (170-c.85 

acclamo -are [to cry out] (in approval or otherwise);with acc. of person , [to 
name by acclamation]. 

Aemilius -a -um [name of an old patrician family at Rome]. Hence adj. Aemilianus 
-a -um , [relating to the ‘gens Aemiliana’; a surname of Scipio Africanus 

Agrippa -ae m. [a Roman family name]. 

Agrippina -ae f. [the name of several Roman women , esp. Nero’s mother]. Hence 
Colonia Agrippinensis (now Cologne). 

Aiax -acis m. [name of two Homeric heroes , sons of Telamon and Oileus]. 
alauda -ae f. [a lark]; also [the name of a legion formed by Caesar in Gaul]; in 
pl. Alaudae -arum , [the soldiers of this legion]. 

Albion -onis f. [old name of Great Britain]. 

albulus -a -um [whitish]; f. as subst. Albula -ae (sc. aqua) , [old name of the 

Ammon (Hammon) -onis m. [a Libyan deity] , worshipped at Rome under the name of 
Jupiter Ammon. 

Amyntas -ae m. [name of several Macedonian kings]. 

Antigonus -i m. [name of several of the successors of Alexander the Great]. 
Antiochia or Antiochea -ae f. [Antioch , name of several Asiatic towns]. 
Antipater -tri m. [name of several kings of Macedonia]. 

Antoninus -i m. [name of several Roman emperors]. 

Antonius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]. 

appellatio -onis f. [addressing , speech]; legal, [an appeal; a naming, name, 
title; pronunciation]. 

appellito -are [to be accustomed to name]. 

appello (2) -are. (1) [to address , accost, speak to]; esp. of asking favors, 

[to approach, entreat, sue]; legal, [to appeal to]. (2) [to name, entitle]; 

hence, [to mention by name, make known]. (3) [to pronounce]. 

ara -ae f. [altar]; hence [refuge , protection]; ‘arae’, plur., [name of certain 
rocks at sea]. 

Artaxerxes -is m. [name of several Persian kings]. 

artus (1) (arctus) -a -um [narrow , tight, close]; ‘somnus’, [fast, sound]; of 
supplies, [small, meager]; of circumstances, [difficult, distressing]. N. as 
subst. [a narrow space]; in gen., [difficulty, constraint]. Adv. arte, 

[narrowly, tightly, closely]; ‘dormire’, [soundly, fast]; ‘artius appellare’, 

[to cut a name short]. 

Aruns [an Etruscan name for a younger son]. 

Attalus -im. [name of several kings of Pergamum]: adj. Attalicus -a -um. 
Augusta -ae f. [a name for any female relative of the Roman emperor , or town 
named after him]. 

Augustus (1) -im. [a name assumed by all Roman emperors]. 

Aurelius -a -um [name of a Roman plebeian gens]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 1 Lionel Hartley 


Bassareus -ei m. [a name of Bacchus]. 

binominis -e [having two names]. 

Bosporus (Bosphorus) -i m. [name of various straits , esp. those between Thrace 
and Asia Minor]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 2 Lionel Hartley 


Caecilius -a -um [name of a plebeian gens]. 

Caelius -a -um [name of a Roman plebeian gens]; ‘Caelius mons’ , [a hill in 

Caesar -aris m. [a Roman family name of the gens Iulia]; esp. of C. Iulius 
Caesar , the general and dictator, and later of all emperors. 

Calpurnius -a -um [name of a Roman plebeian gens]. 

Cassius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]; adj. Cassianus -a -um. 

Celeres -um m.[early name for Roman nobles , esp. the bodyguard of the kings] 
censeo censere censui censum [to estimate , to form or express an opinion or 
valuation of a person or thing]; esp. of the censor at Rome, [to take an account 
of the names and property of Roman citizens]. In gen., [to express an opinion, 
be of the opinion, vote, advise, recommend]; of the senate, [to resolve]. 

census -us m.[the census , an enrolment of names and assessment of property]. 
Transf., [the censor’s list; the amount of property necessary for enrolment in a 
certain rank]; in gen., [property, wealth]. 

cieo ciere civi citum [to move , stir, agitate]. Transf., [to give rise to, 

excite, arouse; to summon; to call by name]. Hence partic. citus -a -um, [quick, 
speedy]. Adv. cito, [quickly]; ‘citius quam’, [sooner than, rather than]. 

Cincius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Claudius (Clodius) -a -um [the name of two Roman gentes]; esp. [of the emperor 
Claudius (10 B.C.-A.D. 54)]. Adj. Claudianus -a -um , Claudialis -e. 

clueo -ere [I hear myself called , am named]. 

cognomen -inis n. [a surname , family name]. 

cognomentum -in. [a surname , a name]. 

cognominis -e [having the same name]. 

comatus -a -um [hairy]; Gallia Comata , [a name for Transalpine Gaul]; ‘comata 
silva’, [in full leaf]. 

Cornelius -a -um [name of a Roman gens , including the Scipios]. Adj. 
Cornelianus -a um. 

Crassus -i m. [name of a family in the gens Licinia]; q.v. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 3 Lionel Hartley 


Dareus -i m. [name of several Persian kings]. 

Decius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; adj. Decianus -a -um. 

denomino -are [to name]. 

dico (2) dicere dixi dictum [to indicate; to appoint]; most commonly , [to say, 
speak, tell, mention]; in pass. with infin., [to be said to]; impersonally, 
dicitur, [it is said that];of ideas,[to express, put into words]; ‘ius’, [to 
administer law, give rulings]; of persons or things, [to mention, speak of, tell 
of, relate; to name, call; to mean, refer to]. N. of partic. as subst. dictum 

-i, [a word, saying, speech; a witty saying, a bon mot; a prediction; an order, 

Diespiter -tris m. [a name for Jupiter]. 

Dionysus (-os) -i m. [the Greek name of Bacchus]. Hence Dionysia -orum , n. pl. 
[the feast of Dionysus]. 

dirus -a -um [fearful , horrible, frightful, cruel]. N. pl. dira -orum, and f. 

pl. dirae -arum, as subst., [unlucky omens, curses]; Dirae -arum, a name for 
[the Furies]. 

Dis Ditis m. [a name of Pluto , god of the Lower World]. 

Dolabella -ae m. [a Roman family name in the gens Cornelia]. 

Domitius -a -um [name of a plebeian gens in Rome]. 

Drusus -i m. [a cognomen of the gens Livia]; hence adj. Drusianus and Drusinus 
-a -um , [of Drusus]; subst. Drusilla -ae, f. [the name of several females of 
the gens Livia]. 

Duilius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 4 Lionel Hartley 


Elissa (Elisa) -ae f. [another name of Dido]. 

enim conj. [for; namely , for instance; indeed, truly, certainly]; ‘at enim’, 

[but you may object.....]; ‘sed enim’, [but indeed]. 

Euan or Euhan m. [a name of Bacchus]. 

Euius or Euhius -i m. [a name of Bacchus]. 

exclamo -are [to shout , cry aloud; to exclaim; to call somebody by name]. 
existimatio -onis f. [the opinion that a man has , judgement; the opinion that 
others have of a man], esp. morally, [reputation, good name, honor, character]; 
in finance, [credit]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 5 Lionel Hartley 


Fabius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Fabricius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Flaminius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Flavius -a -um [name of a Roman gens , to which the emperors Vespasian, Titus, 
and Domitian belonged]. 

Fonteius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Fufius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Fulvius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Furius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 6 Lionel Hartley 


Gabinius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 
genetivus -a -um [inborn , innate]; ‘nomina’, [family names]; ‘casus’, [the 
genitive case]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 7 Lionel Hartley 


Haemonia -ae f. [an old name of Thessaly]; adj. Haemonius -a -um , [Thessalian]; 
f. subst. Haemonis -nidis, [a Thessalian woman]. 

Helle -es f. [a girl drowned in the Hellespont , so named after her]. 

Hirtius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Hister (Ister) -tri m. [name of the lower part of the Danube]. 

Horatius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Hortensius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Hostilius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 8 Lionel Hartley 

1; J: 

Iacchus -i m. [name of Bacchus]; meton. , [wine]. 

Ida -ae and Ide -es f. [pame of two mountains , one in Crete, one in Phrygia, 
near Troy]; adj. Idaeus -a -um. 

Inachus (Inachos) -i m. [mythical king of Argos , father of Io, after whom the 
river Inachus in Argolis was named]. 

indo -dere -didi -ditum [to put in or on]; of names , [to give, confer]; of 
abstr. things, [to introduce, cause, occasion]. 

Iuba -ae m. [name of two Numidian kings]. 

Iulius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; including the family of the Caesars; 
‘mensis Iulius’ or Tulius’ , [the month of July]. 

Iunius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]; ‘mensis Iunius’ or Tunius’ , [the 
month of June]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 9 Lionel Hartley 

-K, L- 

laudo -are [to praise , extol, commend; to name, mention, cite, quote]; partic. 
laudatus -a -um, [praiseworthy, esteemed]. 

lectio -onis f. [a picking out , selection, reading, perusal]; ‘lectio senatus’, 
[a calling over of the names of the senators]. 

Lentulus -i m. [the name of a family in the patrician gens Cornelia]. 
Lepidus -i m. [name of a family in the patrician gens Aemilia]. 

Licinius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Livius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

lotos (-us) -i f. [the name of several plants]; esp. [of an African tree and its 

Lucilius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Lucretius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Lucullus -i m. [name of a family in the gens Licinia]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 10 Lionel Hartley 


Mamers -mertis m. [the Oscan name of Mars]; hence Mamertini -orum , m. pl., [the 
name assumed by certain mercenary troops]. 

Manilius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Manlius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Marius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]. 

Mithridates -is m. [name of several kings of Pontus]. 

Mucius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; adj. Mucianus -a -um. 

Mummius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

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Naevius -a -um [name of a Roman gens; esp. of Cn. Naevius , a poet of the third 
century B.C.]. 

Narcissus -i m. [Narcissus , a beautiful young man changed into the flower of 
the same name]. 

Nasica -ae m. [name of a family of the Scipios]. 

nomen -inis n. [a name]; ‘nomen dare’ , [to go for a soldier, enlist]; ‘nomen 
(hominis) deferre’, [to give information against, to accuse]; ‘nomina solvere’, 

[to pay debts]; ‘nomen Romanum’, [the Roman power]; ‘nomine meo’, [in my name, 
on my behalf]. 

nomenclator -oris m. [a slave who reminded his master of names]. 

nominatim [by name , expressly]. 

nominito -are [to call regularly by name]. 

nomino -are [to name , give a name to, call; to mention, speak about; to make 
famous; to appoint, nominate to an office; to denounce, give information 
against]. Hence partic. nominatus -a -um, [well-known, celebrated]. 

nuncupo -are [to name , call by name, to pronounce solemnly]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 12 Lionel Hartley 


obtestatio -onis f. [a calling of gods to witness; an entreaty in the name of 

the gods]. 

obtestor -ari dep. [to call as witness; to adjure , implore, entreat in the name 
of the gods]. 

Octavius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; esp. of C. Octavius , [the Emperor 
Augustus]; adj. Octvavianus -a -um. 

Ovidius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; esp. of the poet P. Ovidius Naso , (43 
B.Ce17 A.D); 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 13 Lionel Hartley 


Papirius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Paulus -i m. [the name of a gens in the gens Aemilia]. 

per prep. with acc.: of space , [through, along, over]; sometimes [before, in 

the presence of]; of time, [throughout, during; in the course of, in a time of]; 

of means or instrument, [through, by, by means of, with, by way of]; of cause, 
[because of, on account of]; ‘per me licet’, [you may as far as I’m concerned]; 

in entreaties, oaths, etc., [in the name of]. 

Persephone -es f. [Greek name of Proserpina] q.v. 

Petronius -i m. [name of a Roman gens; esp. of a satirist under Nero]. 

Philippus -i m. [the name of several kings of Macedon]; adj. Philippeus and 
Philippicus -a -um; f. as subst. Philippica -ae , [one of the speeches of 
Demosthenes against Alexander, or of Cicero against Antony]. 

Plinius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; esp. of C. Plinius Secundus (Maior , the 
Elder), [author of a Natural History], and C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus 

(Iunior, the Younger), [author of letters, etc.]. 

Pompeius (trisyl.) or Pompeius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; esp. of Cn. 
Pompeius , [Pompey the Great (106-48 B.C.)|; adj. Pompeianus -a -um, [belonging 
to Pompey]. 

Pompilius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; esp. of Numa Pompilius , [second king 
of Rome]. 

Pontius -a -um [name of a Roman (originally Samnite) gens]. 

Porcius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

praedico (2) -dicere -dixi -dictum [to say or name beforehand; to predict , 
foretell, prophesy; to warn, admonish, instruct]. Hence n. of partic. as subst. 
praedictum -i, [a prophecy, prediction; an order, command; a previous 

praenomen -inis n. [the first name , usually standing before the gentile name] 
(e.g. Marcus, in M.T. Cicero). 

Pytho -us f. [the old name of Delphi]; adj. Pythicus , Pythius -a -um, [Delphic, 
relating to Apollo]; f. as subst. [the priestess of Apollo]; n. pl. [the Pythian 
games, celebrated every fourth year in honor of Apollo]. 

quidam quaedam quoddam (subst. quiddam) [a certain person or thing] (known but 
not necessarily named). Transf. [a kind of]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 14 Lionel Hartley 


Quirinus -i m. [the name of Romulus after his apotheosis]; adj. Quirinus -a -um 
and Quirinalis -e , [of Romulus]; ‘collis’, [the Quirinal Hill at Rome]; n. pl. 
Quirinalia -ium, [a festival in honor of Romulus]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 15 Lionel Hartley 


Rabirius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

respondeo -spondere -spondi -sponsum intransit. [to match , correspond to, 
answer to; to resemble]; legal, [to answer to one’s name, appear, be present]; 
transit. [to give an answer to a person or thing, to answer, reply]. N. of 
partic. as subst. responsum -i, [an answer, reply; a lawyer’s opinion]. 

Rhea (2) -ae f. [old name of Cybele]. 

rho n. indecl. [the Greek name of the letter R]. 

Roscius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

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Sabelli -orum m. pl. [poetic name of the Sabines]. 

scilicet [evidently , certainly, of course]; ironically, [no doubt]; in answers, 
[certainly]; explanatory, [namely]. 

Seleucus -i m. [name of several kings of Syria]. 

Sempronius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Servilius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Sestius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Silius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Sulla (Sylla) -ae m. [a name of a family in the gens Cornelia]; adj. Sullanus -a 
-um; verb sullaturio -ire , [to wish to imitate Sulla]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 17 Lionel Hartley 

ey 5 

Tarpeius -a -um [name of a Roman family]; ‘mons Tarpeius’ , [the Tarpeian rock, 
from which criminals were thrown]. 

Terentius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]; esp. of M. Terentius Afer , [the 
comic dramatist]. 

Tiridates -datis m. [name of several kings of Armenia]. 

Tros Trois m. [a king of Phrygia , after whom Troy was named]; Troia -ae, f. 

[the town of Troy, besieged and finally captured by the Greeks]; adj. Trous 
Troius, Troicus, Troianus -a -um, [Trojan]; subst. Tros Trois, m. [a Trojan]; f. 
adj. and subst. Troas -ados, [Trojan, a Trojan woman]. 

Tullius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]; esp. of Servius Tullius , [sixth king 
of Rome], and of M. Tullius Cicero, [the Roman orator and statesman]. Hence adj. 
Tullianus -a -um, [Tullian]; n. as subst. Tullianum -i, [part of a Roman state 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 18 Lionel Hartley 


Ulixes -is -i or -ei , m. [Latin name for Ulysses or Odysseus, husband of 
Penelope, king of Ithaca]. 

usurpo -are [to use , bring into use; to take possession of, acquire, 
appropriate, usurp; to perceive, to notice; to use a word, to mention]; hence 
[to call, name]. 

ut or uti (1) with indic. verb: [how] (interrog. and exclam); relat. [as] , esp. 
with corresponding sic or ita; ‘ut ut’ [in whatever way]; explanatory, |as, as 
being] (sometimes without verb); temporal, [as when, while, since, when]; of 
place, [where]. (2) with subjunctive: in indirect questions, [how]; in wishes, 
[o that]; concessive, [granted that]; consecutive, [so that], often preceded by 
ita, tam, etc.; explaining or defining, [namely that]; final, [in order that] 
(neg. ne or ut ne); in indirect command, [that, to]; after verbs of fearing (= 
ne non), [that...not]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 19 Lionel Hartley 

-V, W, X- 

Valerius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Varius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]. 

Vatinius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]. 

Verginius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]. 

videlicet [it is clear]; as adv. [clearly , plainly, manifestly; namely]; 
ironically, [of course, to be sure]. 

Vitellius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]; Aulus Vitellius , [the Roman 
emperor who succeeded Otho (A.D. 69)]. 

vocabulum -in. [name , appellation]; grammat. [a noun]. 

vocamen -inis n. [name , appellation]. 

vocito -are [to be accustomed to name; to shout loudly or often]. 

voco -are [to call , summon, invoke, invite; to name, designate; to bring or put 
into any state or condition]; ‘in dubium’, [to call into question]. 

A Dictionary of Roman Names 20 Lionel Hartley 

-Y, Z- 

Zeno (Zenon) -onis m. [name of several Greek philosophers]. 

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